An advertising wall is one of the most frequently used exhibition stand among mobile exhibition systems, with a versatile use. Its greatest advantages are lightweight structure, quick assembly, easy transport, simple interchangeability of graphics and quality ensuring long-term use.

Display Expo's offer includes the following advertising walls:

Trade fairs, conferences, exhibitions, events, promotions, election campaigns, and folding screens. An advertising wall is like a big brother of Roll Ups. It performs the same functions as a Roll Up, but with a much larger advertising space. j.

Ścianki reklamowe Display Expo mogą mieć rozmiar nawet kilkunastu metrów długości i do 3 metrów wysokości, w zależności od wybranego systemu. Mogą być łukowe lub proste. Można je dowolnie zestawiać tworząc kameralną przestrzeń do kuluarowych rozmów, skończywszy na dużych, efektowych stoiskach targowych.

Display Expo advertising walls can be up to several meters long and up to 3 meters high, depending on the system. They can be curved or straight and can be freely combined to create an intimate space for informal conversations or large, eye-catching exhibition stands.

 Display Expo's offer includes Pop Up advertising walls, fabric walls and walls made of high-quality and aesthetic aluminium profiles. They are complemented by transport packaging (the so-called "containers") that can be easily transformed into presentation counters.


  • trade fairs
  • conferences
  • presentations
  • shows
  • exhibitions
  • sales
  • corporate events
  • election campaigns
  • sport events
  • artistic events
  • foldable screens
  • private special events


  • eye-catching advertising wall
  • high-quality graphics
  • single and double-sided printing
  • quick assembly and disassembly
  • lightweight mobile design
  • easy transport
  • easy cleaning
  • simple replacement of graphics
  • multiple use solution


Are you wondering which advertising wall will work best in your project? Our experts are here to help you! We have been on the market of mobile exhibition systems since 2004 (read ABOUT US). Since then, our advertising walls have been used at thousands of events, including marketing ones. We know what we are doing! We will guarantee a banner day for your brand providing you with competent advice!


We have recently started providing the rental service of exhibition systems. In this service, you pay for graphic prints and the rental of exhibition equipment, which is always at your disposal!

Sounds nice? Well, please contact us!

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