Internal use
Mobile system
Replaceable graphic panels
Solvent / Pigment
Quick assembly / disassembly

The Pop Up modular exhibition stand is an exhibition system based on foldable plastic frames (the so-called "spider") from the renowned Swedish manufacturer EXPOLINC and large-format panel prints providing an eye-catching advertising background. 

The ease of arranging the exhibition space using Pop Up systems and their small transport dimensions make this system an extremely functional advertising presentation tool. The system enables the assembly of shelf frame structure for marketing materials or products.

We have been using the Pop Up exhibition system since 2004.

The key aspect in its advertising use is the quality of graphic panels, their protection with high-quality laminates and the method of connecting the panels. Whether the effect of combining individual panels can be minimised depends on the preparation of graphics for production. In this regard we are a competent advisor for graphic design studios and advertising agencies. After all, we have already made over 10,000 advertising walls! 

In fact... we are the largest distributor of the EXPOLINC brand in Poland. 


See also advertising walls: Pop Up Advertising Walls.



Configuration examples

popup 01popup 02


displayexpo rotunda 01displayexpo rotunda 02

narozne popup

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